Your excellent research once again shows that the labels may have switched, but these violent ideas have never died, just reappear in a new form, from the KKK to MAGA, you can tell the terrorists by their violent actions and willingness to destroy our Constitution to bring back the Confederacy.

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Thank you for your thoughtful comment! You’ve captured one of the core themes I was hoping to highlight—the way these violent ideologies evolve but never truly disappear. From the KKK to modern movements like MAGA, the tactics may change, but the underlying drive to reshape America into something resembling the Confederacy remains disturbingly consistent. The willingness to use violence and undermine constitutional principles to maintain racial and political dominance has long been part of this country’s history, as Nast’s cartoons so powerfully reveal. It’s a cycle we must continue to confront, just as Nast did through his art.

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I just added you to my reading list from seeing your comment on "Glenn's" post about Jeff Tiedrich. Whew. Convoluted aassociations can lead to worthy news sources. Thank you for being here, and providing your excellent insights, Peter. Looking forward to more.

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