Ah, Stephen, ever the literary soul! Madame Defarge would be furiously knitting by now—though with this lot, she might need a bigger scarf. The guillotine may be out of fashion, but history still has a way of settling accounts. Stay tuned for the next chapter!
Ah, Stephen, ever the literary soul! Madame Defarge would be furiously knitting by now—though with this lot, she might need a bigger scarf. The guillotine may be out of fashion, but history still has a way of settling accounts. Stay tuned for the next chapter!
Ah, Stephen, ever the literary soul! Madame Defarge would be furiously knitting by now—though with this lot, she might need a bigger scarf. The guillotine may be out of fashion, but history still has a way of settling accounts. Stay tuned for the next chapter!