Nicknames of the States
"Nebraska Bug Eater? Missouri Puke? Illinois Sucker? Alabama Lizard? South Carolina Weasel?"
A promotional map for H.W. Hill & Co., "sole manufacturers of Hill's Hog Ringers, Hill's Triangular Rings, Calf and Cow Weaners, Stock Markers & c." Each state is shown with a nickname and a hog illustration related to the nickname. The California "Gold Hunter" hog, for example, wields a pick and shovel. A well-dressed pig at the lower left carries the tools of Hill's trade, while the pig at the lower right is dressed as a clown.
Some of the nicknames are familiar to sports fans today: Jayhawker, Gopher, Badger, Wolverine, Hoosier, Buckeye, Tarheel.
But others are a modern puzzle: Texas Beef Head? Nebraska Bug Eater? Missouri Puke? Illinois Sucker? Alabama Lizard? South Carolina Weasel? Florida Fly Up the Creek?
Title: Nicknames of the States
Collection: Persuasive Maps: PJ Mode Collection: 2240.01
Creator: H.W. Hill & Co.
Other Creators: W. Mackowitz, engraver; Trowbridge & Petford, designer
Date: 1884
Measurement: 31 x 56 (centimeters, height x width)
Gold Hunter was sure prescient for Hollywood and Beef Head still aptly describes modern Texans. And although being a Web Foot isn't much better than being a Beaver, at least we're not Greasers, Suckers, Lizzards, or Bug Eaters. But WTF is a Wooden Nutmeg?