Title: [Futuristic air travel] / Harry Grant Dart.
Summary: Drawing shows a woman at the wheel of a futuristic aircraft that appears to be hanging below a dirigible. A man sits beside her. The drawing appeared on the cover of "All Story" magazine.
Argosy, later titled The Argosy, Argosy All-Story Weekly and The New Golden Argosy, was an American pulp magazine from 1882 through 1978, published by Frank Munsey until its sale to Popular Publications in 1942. It is the first American pulp magazine. The magazine began as a children's weekly story–paper entitled The Golden Argosy. In the era before the Second World War, Argosy was regarded as one of the "Big Four" pulp magazines (along with Blue Book, Adventure and Short Stories), the most prestigious publications in the pulp market, that many pulp magazine writers aspired to publish in. John Clute, discussing the American pulp magazines in the first two decades of the twentieth century, has described The Argosy and its companion The All-Story as "the most important pulps of their era." ~ Wikipedia
Contributor Names: Dart, Harry Grant, 1869-1938, artist
Created / Published: [between 1900 and 1910]
Library of Congress Control Number: 2007678300